Sub 선수수익_EAs외()
Dim ws_rev As Worksheet
Dim ws_eas As Worksheet
Dim ws_cho As Worksheet
Dim ws_mal As Worksheet
Set ws_rev = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("매출")
Set ws_eas = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("선수수익-EAs 외")
Set ws_cho = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("선수수익(초)")
Set ws_mal = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("선수수익(말)")
Dim roww As Integer
'결산월 체크
If Format(Date, "mm") = 1 Then
cm = (Format(Date, "yyyy") - 1 & "12") * 1
cm = (Format(Date, "yyyymm") - 1) * 1
End If
roww = 3
bcf = 0 '이전월 시작 row
bce = 0 '이전월 끝 row
Do While ws_eas.Cells(roww, "A").Value <> ""
If ws_eas.Cells(roww, "A").Value = cm - 1 Then
If bcf = 0 Then
bcf = roww
bce = roww
End If
'K ~ M 을 값으로 치환
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "K") = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "K")
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "L") = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "L")
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "M") = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "M")
End If
roww = roww + 1
rv = msgshow("전월 데이터를 복사합니다.")
'이전월의 데이터를 결산월로 복사
Dim sourceRange As Range
Dim destinationRange As Range
Set sourceRange = ws_eas.Range("A" & bcf & ":O" & bce)
Set destinationRange = ws_eas.Range("A" & bce + 1)
sourceRange.Copy destinationRange
roww = bce + 1
rv = ull(roww) '굵은 언더라인
Do While ws_eas.Cells(roww, "A") <> ""
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "A") = cm
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "K") = Replace("=$H<>-$M$1", "<>", roww)
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "L") = Replace("=IF(XLOOKUP((A<>-1)&B<>&C<>&E<>,$N:$N,$M:$M,0)=0,_
0, XLOOKUP((A<>-1)&B<>&C<>&E<>,$N:$N,$M:$M,0)-M<>)", "<>", roww)
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "M") = Replace("=IF(K<><=0, 0, ROUND((I<>/J<>)*K<>,0))", "<>", roww)
roww = roww + 1
rv = msgshow("복사한 데이터의 선수수익, 정리액, 잔액에 수식을 입력하고 있습니다. ( " & roww & " 행 처리중)")
rv = msgshow("선수수익(초)의 기존 데이터를 삭제합니다.")
'선수수익(초) 기존 데이터 삭제
lastRow = 0
lastRow = ws_cho.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If lastRow <= 1 Then
lastRow = 2
End If
ws_cho.Range("A2:BH" & lastRow).ClearContents
'선수수익(초) 데이타 작성
roww = bce + 1
row1 = 2
rno = 1
'결산월의 마지막 날을 알아내기
cms = cm & ""
Dim targetDate As Date
Dim lastday As Integer
targetDate = DateSerial(Left(cms, 4) * 1, Right(cms, 2) * 1 + 1, 1) - 1
lastday = Day(targetDate)
Do While ws_eas.Cells(roww, "A") <> ""
If ws_eas.Cells(roww, "L").Value > 0 Then
If ws_eas.Cells(roww, "O").Value <> "해외법인" Then
acc1 = "21280200"
acc2 = "51990103"
acc1 = "21280200"
acc2 = "51990104"
End If
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "A").Value = rno '구룹핑번호
ws_cho.Cells(row1 + 1, "A").Value = rno
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "B").Value = "X" '헤더지시자
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "D").Value = cm & lastday '증빙일
ws_cho.Cells(row1 + 1, "D").Value = cm & lastday
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "E").Value = cm & lastday '전기일
ws_cho.Cells(row1 + 1, "E").Value = cm & lastday
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "F").Value = "4" '전기기간
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "G").Value = "SB" '전표유형
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "H").Value = "1000" '회사코드
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "I").Value = "KRW" '통화
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "L").Value = "[선수수익][" & Left(cms, 4) & "-" & Right(cms, 2) & "] 수익인식" '전표헤더텍스트
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "N").Value = "40" '전기키
ws_cho.Cells(row1 + 1, "N").Value = "50"
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "O").Value = acc1 '계정
ws_cho.Cells(row1 + 1, "O").Value = acc2
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "S").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "L").Value '전표통화금액
ws_cho.Cells(row1 + 1, "S").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "L").Value
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "W").Value = "1018" '사업장
ws_cho.Cells(row1 + 1, "W").Value = "1018"
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "Y").Value = "5000" '사업장
ws_cho.Cells(row1 + 1, "Y").Value = "5000" '사업영역
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "AA").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "B").Value 'WBS NO
ws_cho.Cells(row1 + 1, "AA").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "B").Value
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "AK").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "C").Value '참조키 1
ws_cho.Cells(row1 + 1, "AK").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "C").Value
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "AL").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "D").Value '참조키 2
ws_cho.Cells(row1 + 1, "AL").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "D").Value
ws_cho.Cells(row1, "AP").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "F").Value '텍스트(SGTXT)
ws_cho.Cells(row1 + 1, "AP").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "F").Value
row1 = row1 + 2
rno = rno + 1
End If
roww = roww + 1
rv = msgshow("선수수익(초) 데이터를 양식에 맞게 입력하고 있습니다. ( " & rno & " 번째 데이터 입력중)")
'매출 시트에서 반영이 "Y"인 IT자산 항목을 "선수수익-EAs 외" 로 복사
roww = bce + (bce - bcf) + 2 '마지막행 다음행
rv = ull(roww) '굵은 언더라인
row1 = 5 '매출시트 시작행
Do While ws_rev.Cells(row1, "A").Value <> ""
If ws_rev.Cells(row1, "AT").Value = "Y" And ws_rev.Cells(row1, "I").Value = "IT 자산 유지보수" Then
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "A").Value = cm '월
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "B").Value = ws_rev.Cells(row1, "A").Value 'WBS
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "C").Value = Trim(ws_rev.Cells(row1, "C").Value) '거래처코드
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "D").Value = ws_rev.Cells(row1, "D").Value '고객사
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "E").Value = ws_rev.Cells(row1, "F").Value '계약명
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "F").Value = ws_rev.Cells(row1, "D").Value & " - " & ws_rev.Cells(row1, "F").Value '전표헤더텍스트
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "G").Value = ws_rev.Cells(row1, "K").Value '계약 기산일
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "H").Value = ws_rev.Cells(row1, "L").Value '계약 만기일
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "I").Value = ws_rev.Cells(row1, "R").Value '계약금액
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "J").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "H").Value - ws_eas.Cells(roww, "G").Value + 1 '총일수
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "K").Value = Replace("=$H<>-$M$1", "<>", roww)
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "L").Value = Replace("=IF(XLOOKUP((A<>-1)&B<>&C<>&E<>,$N:$N,$M:$M,0)=0, 0,_
XLOOKUP((A<>-1)&B<>&C<>&E<>,$N:$N,$M:$M,0)-M<>)", "<>", roww)
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "M").Value = Replace("=IF(K<><=0, 0, ROUND((I<>/J<>)*K<>,0))", "<>", roww)
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "N").Value = Replace("=A<>&B<>&C<>&E<>", "<>", roww)
'ws_eas.Cells(roww, "O").Value = "해외법인 확인"
Dim currentCell As Range
Dim aboveRow As Range
Set currentCell = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "O")
Set aboveRow = currentCell.Offset(-1)
aboveRow.Copy currentCell
If ws_eas.Cells(roww, "O").Value = "해외법인" Then '해외법인일 경우 원화를 찾아 입력
ws_eas.Cells(roww, "I").Value = Replace("=XLOOKUP(매출!A<>&매출!R<>,미성공사!$X:$X,미성공사!$O:$O)", "<>", row1)
End If
roww = roww + 1
End If
row1 = row1 + 1
rv = msgshow("선수수칙-EAs외에 신규 추가 데이터를 추가하고 있습니다. ( " & roww & " 행 추가중)")
'선수수익(말) 기존 데이터 삭제
lastRow = 0
lastRow = ws_mal.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If lastRow <= 1 Then
lastRow = 2
End If
ws_mal.Range("A2:BH" & lastRow).ClearContents
roww = bce + (bce - bcf) + 2 '신규 항목 시작 행
row1 = 2
rno = 1
'선수수익(말) 데이터 입력
Do While ws_eas.Cells(roww, "A") <> ""
If ws_eas.Cells(roww, "M").Value > 0 Then
If ws_eas.Cells(roww, "O").Value <> "해외법인" Then
acc1 = "21280200"
acc2 = "51990103"
acc1 = "21280200"
acc2 = "51990104"
End If
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "A").Value = rno '구룹핑번호
ws_mal.Cells(row1 + 1, "A").Value = rno
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "B").Value = "X" '헤더지시자
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "D").Value = cm & lastday '증빙일
ws_mal.Cells(row1 + 1, "D").Value = cm & lastday
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "E").Value = cm & lastday '전기일
ws_mal.Cells(row1 + 1, "E").Value = cm & lastday
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "F").Value = "4" '전기기간
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "G").Value = "SB" '전표유형
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "H").Value = "1000" '회사코드
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "I").Value = "KRW" '통화
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "L").Value = "[선수수익][" & Left(cms, 4) & "-" & Right(cms, 2) & "] 선수수익" '전표헤더텍스트
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "N").Value = "50" '전기키
ws_mal.Cells(row1 + 1, "N").Value = "40"
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "O").Value = acc1 '계정
ws_mal.Cells(row1 + 1, "O").Value = acc2
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "S").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "M").Value '전표통화금액
ws_mal.Cells(row1 + 1, "S").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "M").Value
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "W").Value = "1018" '사업장
ws_mal.Cells(row1 + 1, "W").Value = "1018"
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "Y").Value = "5000" '사업장
ws_mal.Cells(row1 + 1, "Y").Value = "5000" '사업영역
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "AA").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "B").Value 'WBS NO
ws_mal.Cells(row1 + 1, "AA").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "B").Value
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "AK").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "C").Value '참조키 1
ws_mal.Cells(row1 + 1, "AK").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "C").Value
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "AL").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "D").Value '참조키 2
ws_mal.Cells(row1 + 1, "AL").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "D").Value
ws_mal.Cells(row1, "AP").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "F").Value '텍스트(SGTXT)
ws_mal.Cells(row1 + 1, "AP").Value = ws_eas.Cells(roww, "F").Value
row1 = row1 + 2
rno = rno + 1
End If
roww = roww + 1
rv = msgshow("선수수익(말) 에 양식에 맞게 데이터를 입력하고 있습니다. ( " & rno & " 행 입력중)")
rv = msgshow("")
MsgBox "끝"
End Sub
Function ull(r As Integer)
Sheets("선수수익-EAs 외").Range("A" & r & ":O" & r).Select
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
.TintAndShade = 0
.Weight = xlThick
End With
End Function
Function msgshow(s As String)
Application.StatusBar = s
End Function |